Iota Beta
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Chapter History
The chartering of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity at Fresno State was the culmination of a five year expansion process that the Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) had implemented to meet the increasing interest in Greek life on campus.

During the summer of 1985, Mr. Todd Mudd and
Mr. Mike Moreland, Director and Assistant Director of Chapter Development and Services, respectively, arrived in Fresno to form a colony of the
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity at Fresno State. They were in Fresno approximately eight weeks, leaving on September 22. On September 21, 1985, 24 men at Fresno State colonized to form the Fresno State Colony of Pi Kappa Alpha. The first President of the colony was Rudy Rodriguez and the Vice President was John Haskett. The Secretary selected was Brad Johnson, the Treasurer was Jon Thompson and the Sergeant-at-Arms was Randy Weaver.

On September 23, 1985, the colony held its first meeting in the Student Union on campus. Probably the greatest success of the colony at the early part of the semester was its first annual Mud Volleyball Tournament. In less than three weeks after colonizing, the colony members united to organize and implement the all-Greek function which was held on Sunday, October 13. Publicity for the event included local television coverage in addition to front page coverage in the school newspaper. This event set the stage for continued success that the colony would experience throughout the colonization period.

The fall semester of 1986 began with hope of a successful rush and a another chance to charter after IFC had refused to grant recognition to a PiKA chapter on campus the previous semester. The rush week began with a prospective list of almost eighty. At the conclusion of the week, 24 prospectives accepted bids to pledge PiKA. This was an accomplishment because it was the largest pledge class size in the entire Greek system.

On Wednesday, October 22, a presentation was made to the IFC Expansion and Development Committee with the intention to receive permission to charter. Colony President Rudy Rodriguez, V.P. John Haskett, and Treasurer Brad Johnson represented the colony. At the conclusion of the meeting, the IFC granted the colony a "provisional" charter based on the colony's completion of some administrative responsibilities. Having completed the responsibilities, the colony was granted full chapter status and recognition on
November 18, 1986.

On Friday, December 5, 1986, the colony members were initiated into the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. The next day, December 6, the colony became the Iota Beta Chapter of the
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity.

Significant Dates in Iota Beta History
Summer 1985 - Todd Mudd and Mike Moreland arrive in Fresno to form a colony of Pi Kappa Alpha at Fresno State

September 21, 1985 - 24 men at Fresno State colonize to form the Fresno State Colony of The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity

September 23, 1985 - Colony holds its first meeting in USU 309

October 13, 1985 - First Annual Mud Volleyball Tournament

December 6, 1986 - Colony becomes Iota Beta Chapter

Spring 1987 - Pikes awarded with IFC Benchmark Award for most improved fraternity

December 1987 - First alumni newsletter 'The Connection' created and distributed by Neil O'Connell to over one hundred alumni

Spring '88 - Iota Beta chosen to serve as host chapter for Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Colony and then perform initiation ceremony

Fall '88 - Pikes football team wins the chapter's first ever intramural chamionship

Spring '89 - Iota Beta awarded for having highest GPA in the Golden West Region

Spring '90 - Iota Beta hosts the 1990 Golden West Regional Conference in Fresno

Spring '92 - Iota Beta one of largest delegations in attendance at Golden West Regional in Santa Barbara. Also nominated for Most Improved Chapter

1996-1999 - Iota Beta recognized for having highest GPA above all fraternities on campus

Spring 2000 - Iota Beta receives award at Regional Convention in Las Vegas for contribution in fight against Niemann-Pick Type Disease

Summer 2000 - Iota Beta wins award for Advisory Board of the Year at the International Convention in Atlanta

October 1, 2001 - Pikes win Greek Week

April 2002 - Pike Basketball advances to Intramural Championship Game

May 13, 2002 - At Greek Awards Program Pikes receive honors for most improved GPA in IFC, most improved GPA from Order of Omega, outstanding overall GPA in IFC, Outstanding Philanthropy-Mud Volleyball , Outstanding Greek Man of the Year - Mark Hatch