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The Dream Girl of Pi Kappa Alpha
One of the many traditions of Pi Kappa Alpha is the Dream Girl. The Pike Dream Girl is any woman from a sorority who best represents and unselfishly supports the fraternity. Each autumn at the Fireman's Ball a new Dream Girl is chosen. Active brothers vote several weeks before the formal function on which sorority gal will win the coveted title. The Dream Girl is carefully chosen based on her efforts in promoting Pikes on campus and not on popularity.

Pike Dream Girl 2001-2002
Michelle Melikian of
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Helping boost relations
The Dream Girl position exists in the chapter because not only does she help the fraternity but her own sorority's greek relations as well. Through exchanges and formal gatherings, Pikes' sorority relations improve with the house of the Dream Girl. In recent years the Dream Girl has been very instrumental in reviving or creating Pike relations with each sorority on campus. Many girls in the Fresno State Greek System take interest in becoming the Pike Dream Girl because they wish to associate with Scholars, Leaders, Athletes and Gentlemen.
Dream Girl Song
The Dream Girl of Pi Kappa Alpha,
is the dream girl I'll always adore.
She's enchanting as starlight, and oh how I long to be the lucky one boy to whom she'll belong.

The Dream Girl of Pi Kappa Alpha,
is the ideal of all that I love.
We put our hearts in the game,
but who's heart will she claim?
Will the Pi Kappa Alpha Dream Girl be
Pike Dream Girl 2000-2001
Margot Thomas of Delta Gamma
Brothers gather each semester at the sorority house of the Dream Girl to sing the Dream Girl song to her. She also presents the the house with gifts and also receives gifts herself such as flowers and candy.
Social Functions
The Dream Girl always puts in a good word for Pikes in order to make them first priority on a sorority's list of social functions. An established relationship is an advatage in order to promote the name of Pi Kappa Alpha.
Displaying the Letters
The Pike Dream Girl is permitted to wear the letters of Pi Kappa Alpha. She is presented with her own set of letters at the Fireman's Ball during the Dream Girl Ceremony. These letters are for her to keep even long after her term has expired. They are usually made in the official colors of her respective sorority.